Product Guru's Blog

All About Our In-Room Sampling Package

Written by Sofia Santini | Feb 22, 2022 1:01:44 PM

Getting a buyer’s attention through traditional means can be a daunting task. Once you’ve spent time creating your product, it’s time to send out samples to your preferred buyers and wait to see if you have any luck. The way buyers prefer to operate and provide feedback (if they provide any) is unique to each retailer, which means you won’t always know whether buyers will get back to you with an opportunity to meet or if your product doesn’t fit what the retailer is looking for.

A buyer’s time is valuable, and due to this many buyers will already have back-to-back meetings with brands throughout the day. Therefore, it can be difficult to make your product stand out or even get a call back using the traditional means of sending out samples, cold calling, or using email outreach. Many times, relying on sending out samples alone may not be an efficient use of your marketing budget, as buyers handle a large volume of requests from different brands demanding their attention and may not always be able to guarantee engagement with your brand.

If you’re luckily able to schedule a meeting, you then have to make sure to do your homework and research the retailer and be able to properly articulate why your brand should be put on shelves versus any others. Depending on market demand, whether your product is timeless, or your type of product is already popular on their shelves, you could have varying levels of success. Additionally, these meetings don’t always guarantee feedback or even the full opportunity for buyers to try your product and obtain real-time feedback. Due to the volume of brands they review, you may not also be able to guarantee their full attention to present or communicate your brand in the way you’d like for it to be presented.

How are Huddles different? 

At our Huddles events, we target all aspects of this issue to make the buyer and brand experience as seamless as possible for you. You can focus on presenting your brand, and the rest can be left to us. Huddle events offer challenger brands the opportunity to get involved through different options, at each Huddles event brands will either be able to connect in-person with guaranteed meetups with relevant buyers in their category, or they can participate in the event with our hybrid video package, or get their brand involved in the ultimate sampling experience.

What's included with In-Room Sampling?

We even extend this experience to sampling. Our in-room sampling package allows you to get as much of a spotlight on your brand as possible without needing to be on-site! It's an ideal opportunity for both local and international brands to get their products right in front of buyers.

Our events will be hosted in a luxury hotel, providing accommodation for participants. When buyers arrive to their room, they will find a curated selection of brands to try, review, share with their colleagues via our digital platform, where they'll also have next-step actions like shortlisting products and requesting samples.

The concept guarantees your products will be in the hands of relevant buyers, as opposed to traditional means where buyers may be perusing through your product along with hundreds of other brand samples demanding the same level of their attention. Our in-room sampling package will also be integrated with the platform.

Buyers at the event will have access to your brand & product information on the dedicated event pages and will be able to share feedback with you, request further information or samples or schedule 1-on-1 virtual meetings with you to discover more about your brand. After the event the buyers can take your samples with them or we will arrange to have them shipped to the location of their choice.

All in all, no matter your brand's location, this package is the perfect choice for guaranteed exposure to relevant buyers from leading retailers in your category.

Learn more about our Huddles events other packages available for brands here.